e v e l y n *

Saturday, August 06, 2005

demanding me.

ii felt so selfish; so demanding ii blame him when he didnt do anything wrong despite someone told me wat happen.. ii was angry bt ii didnt noe watever ferr. ytd, ii finally pluck up my courage to tell him how sry ii was. he said it's alrite.. den he jus say 'haha. it's ok de. i'm such a great person' ferr the first tym ii didnt say dat he's bhb.. maybe ii jus feel so guility and sry abt wad was wrong.. we tok alot.. on our studies; how stress up we were.. den out ii was saying how good his phy was den next tym wanna him to help me mah.. den he say he didnt jus wanna his phy to be a1, he wanna all subjects to be.. he told me dat he's a perfectionist.. he wanna get all a1s ferr his 'o'.. ii was lyk 'wow! great dream' ii jus replied, saying ii'm jus a perfectionist in amath.. ii cannot allow ani test to be in lousy grades.. den ii asked him to help me in my physics.. he was lyk.. 'oh sure. no prob. ani tym..' he's lyk such a nice person horr.. den suddenly he asked me abt my past.. den ii jus say lorr.. den ii asked him y.. he said dun tink so seriously lah.. den ii was feeling so confused..den he say betta dun lah.. betta study hard.. den ii was lyk 'yarr lorr next yr 'o' le.. cant slack.. be fren betta' den ii say yar lorr.. den he asked me wanna be * anot den ii say we be gd frens 1st ba. den ii tell him we c.. gib him a reply in 2 wks. was so tired tis week so much things to go thru.. 1st-tkss exhibition mr lai and mr hafiz were really such nice teachers! maybe cant find anione betta den them 2nd-market day preparation.. so busy. to discuss and stuffs 3rd-to clean the class and to decorate them ferr the veri veri veri veri veri veri important person (VVVVVV-IP) to cum.. so sian.. somemore dunnoe is hu.. 4th- to make sure all the labtops were in good conditions... den ii help mdm ng lorr.. XD ii'm soooo kind.. haha =P cos the e1s need to use it ferr their lesson.. ii oso can teach them the part on IT de.. ii pro sia =D